+ Our Story

―Every migrant a changemaker. Everywhere. All the time. ​ 


Catalyzing changemaking

Ashoka is the world’s largest network of social entrepreneurs. We pioneered the field +40 years ago and have supported nearly 4,000 Ashoka Fellows across the globe, guiding them to grow unexpected ideas into transformative social progress. 

We envision a world where everyone is a changemaker. A world where everyone can embrace ​their power to make change, has the skills of empathy, teamwork and new leadership to solve ​problems, create solutions and activates others to lead and thrive. ​

In this world, it is especially important for those that are often pushed to the margins and neglected, such as many people on the move, to activate their power as changemakers and be seen as such by society at large.​


Migration and refugee movements across borders have always taken place. However, in the last decade, these movements are happening more suddenly, exposing the inadequacy of the systems around them: outdated legal frameworks,  silos, disconnection, and lack of innovation in the sector and a persistent perception of migrants as passive subjects of pity or compassion or worse, instead of being seen as potential contributors to the communities they move to.

Solving these challenges requires a new framework of how migration is perceived globally. Essentially, we need a world where all people on the move are seen as changemakers. Where the knowledge and insights created by migrants are valued and utilized widely. Where movement is seen as a shared experience. And where communities of migrants and diaspora are activated as changemaking hubs. 


With +8 years of experience in the field of migration, we have supported over 60 Ashoka Fellows and accelerated over 120 solutions on every continent, 67% of them from the Global South.